This year is my last year with a child at home during the school year.
*sniff, sniff*
I decided not to put my daughter into a regular preschool, because...
- Our Joy School group dissolved.
- Preschool is expensive.
- I will miss her too much!
Instead, our preschool is called "Mommy & Me" preschool. (I have never been good at naming things.)
We have a preschool homework book (Costco for $9).
We go to story time at the library (free).
She has scheduled play dates with a few friends (cost: returning the favor).
She also loves art! I tried to find an affordable art class for preschoolers, but $60 was the best I could find around here. Ugh! Then I discovered a program at the Dallas Museum of Art. It's called, "Arturo's Art and Me." Designed for children 3 to 5 years of age, the class has an art lesson followed by art activities. It lasts 1.5 hours, is offered once a month, and is limited to about 10 children. We went today for the first time. It was awesome!

Today they learned about still life. The children listened to a story about still life painting, then looked at two paintings of still life and discussed them. Then the class worked together to create this still life. Sofie placed the orange papaya that is right in front by the black grapes. (I'm so proud of her!)

In the studio, Sofie got to use food as a stamp. The cut pieces of food were dipped into paint, then stamped onto the paper to create their own still life.

Final product:
"Explosion of Food" (Sofie's words)
The cost is $10 per class. However, I became a member of the museum today for $90. That means I can take her to the class for free every month and visit the museum anytime I want (for a year) with another adult and any kids under 12. That's a bargain in my book!
- Reserve your spot early. I had to plead with them to add Sofie, since the class was already full. They kindly obliged. If you sign up for the newsletter, it will inform you when the classes are available to sign up for.
- If you don't live in the DFW area, check with your local museum to see if they have a similar art program.