Thursday, September 24, 2009

Couponing I can get behind

A question posed to me quite often: "Do you coupon?"

I disappoint many, I'm sorry to say, when my reply is, "No, not really."

I use Costco coupons, and occasionally those that come in the mail from stores such as Ulta and Bath & Body Works, but I never clip coupons from the newspaper. We don't even subscribe to the newspaper anymore.

I tried clipping coupons once years ago, but I decided the dollar savings weren't worth losing my sanity. I had a hard time keeping them organized, remembering which ones I should use on particular shopping trips, all while trying to debate my little children on their right to have attractive candy displayed at the checkout. I can still see the glare of the customers waiting behind me.

Forward to August 2009. Displayed at the self-checkout, a flyer for couponing (is that really a word?) catches my eye. Why the change of heart? I can load coupons to my reward card online. Now that I can get behind!

I have found 3 websites so far that provide the service:

You choose your store, enter your reward/frequent shopper card number, then start choosing coupons. They will even give you a shopping list that displays all the coupons you have chosen.
  • Choose products wisely. To me it's not a great deal if it's something you would never buy. Additionally, a lot of the products I've seen coupons for tend to be processed foods, which aren't as healthy.
  • Get on board with me. The more popular the service is, the bigger the selection will be.

Since I'm new to coupons, I'd appreciate any comments or feedback that I have missed!

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